
Facebook Garage

Page history last edited by Dave Nattriss 14 years, 6 months ago

Facebook Graph API Hackathon on Sunday June 20th


On Monday 21st June, Facebook hosted an exclusive Facebook Developer Garage London featuring Mark Zuckerberg and other senior Facebook executives, with many of Facebook's major partners and media attending. Find out more here. 

The day before, Sunday 20th, we hosted a special Graph API-themed hackathon. Facebook executives and senior members of the Facebook development team will be stopping by, with hacks going through the night. Mike Vernal, a senior Facebook platform engineer, gave a talk on the graph API at the hackathon, and judged the hacks in the evening at 8pm along with Ethan Beard, Director of Facebook Platform, and Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook CEO).

The top Graph API hacks created were given the opportunity to be showcased at this special Facebook Developer Garage on the 21st, which was very high profile opportunity (alongside Mark Zuckerberg!). All IP (intellectual property) created will remain your own!

Join the Facebook event here.


To join in, please add your name and relevant skills below, and set up a page for your hack ideas. Hack ideas will form the basis of teams with the author being the leader. If you don't have any ideas but like the sound of an existing one then now is the time to start contributing through commenting and offering your skills!


Note that this hackathon event was for developers, and possibly graphic designers, UX folks, etc. In other words, anyone that can help build some part of an application. Contributing to this wiki did not guarantee an invite and the final list of invitees wias decided by the Facebook Developers Garage London committee.


Judging guidelines for ideas


Guidelines for judging hackathon implementations

  • 20% for originality of idea/concept behind implementation (e.g. innovative, original, significant improvement on an already available app)
  • 15% for market potential of implementation (e.g. how big is the target segment, will advertisers pay for it, etc.)
  • 20% for customised aspects of the implementation (e.g. customised features per user)
  • 20% for usefulness of implementation (e.g. increases efficiency, solves a problem, etc)
  • 10% for intuitiveness and ease of use of implementation (e.g. ease of navigation)
  • 15% for potential for further development of implementation (e.g. addition of new levels, themes, etc.)


These are the Hackathon ideas that were proposed

Link to your hackathon ideas (create each idea as its own page, then link to it below). We asked people to include a summary of the idea, what skills they needed.



See this video about the event as it took place: http://vimeo.com/13157031


These are the Hackathon ideas that became a reality at the Zuckerburg event in order of their awarded prize position (draft)





Runners Up



Closing video with Joshua+Mike+Ethan+Mark - thanks to everybody:


YouTube plugin error




Include your relevant skills, link to any ideas you have or are interested in (or say if you're open!).


  • Joshua March (UX design, PHP/MySQL)
  • Todd Chaffee (UX design, basic graphics, PHP/MySQL, Linux admin)
  • Tom Gallagher (UX/UI design, Ruby on Rails, Photoshop, Linux / EC2)
  • Mark Riley (UX/UI design, Ruby on Rails)
  • Dave Nattriss (copywriting, UX/UI design, basic graphics, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, HTML, PHP, MySQL, basic Linux admin, Rackspace Cloud Sites, Facebook Platform, Drupal, Wordpress, Appcelerator for Android) - Facebook profile
  • Iskandar Najmuddin (PHP, MySQL, CouchDB, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Flash/Flex/AIR, Linux, AWS, Lions, Tigers, Bears, Oh My)
  • Geoff Hughes (Marketing Media buying, Marketing organically by including Social Media plugins in the UX design, Monetisation using Affiliate Marketing
  • Toby Beresford (planning, UX, UI, LAMP, JS, Facebook, web apps, social network marketing, making tea) 
  • Matthew Long (Facebook Platform, PHP, MySQL, CouchDB, XHTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, Flex, Linux, AWS, GIMP) 
  • Shih Oon Liong (PHP, MySQL, CouchDB, XHTML, CSS, Javascript, JQuery, Facebook API) 
  • Ola Apata  (Facebook Platform, PHP, MySQL, XHTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, XML) 
  • Marie Coyne (UX,UI, Professional graphics, LAMP, ASP.net C#, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Flash animation + actionscript) 
  • Dan Lester (Python/Django, Facebook app dev) 
  • Maciej Sypniewski (PHP, MySQL, XHTML, HTML5, CSS2&3, Javascript, jQuery, UI/UX, shell script, Wordpress, Facebook Platform, Facebook API) 
  • Danny Adigwe (Facebook Platform, xHTML, PHP, MySQL, Javascript, jQuery, CSS, Open Graph, UI Design) 
  • Pier Gorelli (PHP/MySQL, XHTML, CSS, WP, Drupal, jQuery, Mootools)
  • Brendan Quinn (random bits of lots of languages, SQL, basic/middling linux admin, FB Connect, data munging)
  • Jordi Noguera (Ruby on Rails, MySQL, HTML, CSS, jQuery, some UNIX skills, exposure to the old FB REST API, FB connect)
  • Callum Jones (Ruby/Rails, Sinatra, HTML, CSS, Java, Facebook REST API, Java, Open Graph Protocol) 
  • Fabrizio Giordano (PHP, MySQL, XHTML, CSS, Javascript, JQuery, Facebook API)
  • Ben Dowling (Python, Django, PHP, MySQL, Javascript, JQuery, Linux, Facebook API)
  • Zahiar Ahmed (Python, Java, PHP, XHTML, CSS, MySQL, Adobe Flash ActionScript + Animation)
  • Richard Dowden (xhtml, css, JQuery, Ruby, Sinatra, MySQL, Ubuntu)
  • Niek van Suchtelen (Java ME / J2ME, Android, Java, IM networks, M3G, OpenGL ES, algorithms, making things efficient, coffee), Using Facebook Connect on Mobile (J2ME)
  • Stephen Folkes (creative)
  • Simon Van Blerk (LAMP, JS, CSS, UI Design, Graph Api) 
  • Myles Noton (PHP / MySQL, JQuery / Prototype, XHTML / CSS, Open Graph, Facebook REST API, FBJS, UI Design, Photography) 
  • Ben Gillbanks (Design, UX, HTML, CSS, small amounts of PHP)
  • Andrew J Scott (UX, Entrepreneurship, Funding, Product, CEO & Founder of Rummble) 
  • Colin Howe (Java, Scala, PHP, MySQL, Linux, EC2, bit of: Python/Django, jQuery, CSS)
  • Adam Woozeer (PHP/MySQL, XHTML, CSS, WP, Drupal, jQuery, UX/UI design , Linux, Java , Facebook API)
  • Tom Fletcher (PHP, MySQL, Java, Open Graph API)
  • Shane Daniel - Gamaroff Digital (PHP, HTML, CSS, Graph, Connect, FBML, MYSQL)
  • Aidin Firouzabady - Gamaroff Digital (.NET, HTML, CSS, FBML, MS SQL) 
  • Mike Gamaroff (MD of GD, there to support with Flash, Design, anything really) 
  • Filipe Rodriguez (PHP, MySQL, XHTML, CSS, Javascript, JQuery, XML, Linux, open graph API)
  • WIll Tinsdeall (PHP, MySQL, XHTML, CSS, Javascript, JQuery, XML, JSON, Java, Python) - possibly build pyFUSE file system for photo uploads.
  • Markus Kucborski (for the videos from this event - just follow me on twitter @bjain - product, mobile platforms & appstores, PHP, MySQL, Drupal, linux, mobile platforms & appstore)
  • Jon Davey (LAMP, ASP.NET, Java)
  • Pankaj Naug (PHP, MySQL, Linux, jQuery, Facebook API, FBJS, Open Graph)
  • Steven Goodwin, Playfish (PHP, Perl, Actionscript, FB API, Open Graph, and beer guru)
  • Pedro Figueiredo, Playfish (Perl, backend, APIs)
  • Dominic Mason, clubv3 (Willing to join in and undertake UX/usecases, game design, basic scripting and debugging, content and code monkey tasks - very interested in some of the games proposals. Sign me up!)
  • Tom Waddington & Cat Morley - Ruby / Rails, MySQL, HTML, CSS, Facebook API & Graph API, Javascript, design, UX. 
  • Ciaran Rooney (CTO of Skimlinks, PHP, MySQL, Javascript, Scaling Scaling Scaling, EC2, APIs building and using)
  • Tom Sundström (Python, PHP, JavaScript, etc. etc. etc. + all things Bambuser)
  • Tony Daly (UI Design, Ruby / Rails, HTML, CSS, Javascript) 
  • Fidel Alejandro Torrealba V. (Computer Engineer and Marketing Specialist, experienced in product design and development using HTML, XML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript and JSP. Application of standards from www.open-oasis.org to integrate applications and now in "compulsive learning" of Facebook API  and SDK :) to develop a couple of ideas, business development and marketing research. Cycling and Running like addicting hobbies! 


Comments (16)

Mike Jonnson said

at 10:07 am on Jun 10, 2010

Mike Jonnson (Marketing media buying, marketing media finance, social network marketing, marketing using narrow casting techniques or digital signage)

Steve Kennedy said

at 1:21 pm on Jun 11, 2010

C, making tea, bizdev, PR, legal, annoying people

guanxi said

at 11:27 pm on Jun 14, 2010

SEM, buzz mkt, bizdev, social network mkt, drivek, coffee, legal, contracts, email mkt, business angel

Heather said

at 9:32 am on Jun 15, 2010

Application design (algorithms, business logic, and UI); technology evaluation (commercial and functional); business case modelling; communication; user behaviour analysis. [Also: APL, C, C++, Pascal, C, HyperTalk, Lisp, SmallTalk, 8086 Assember, cshell, nroff/troff, Unix sysadmin, plus a variety of tools for data analysis including SPSS, S, Excel.] And a damn fine cup of coffee.

ola apata said

at 12:10 pm on Jun 15, 2010

Addicted to facebook development in PHP

Danny Adigwe said

at 2:57 pm on Jun 15, 2010

social networking mashups, viral marketing,

Mido Wazzan said

at 4:16 pm on Jun 15, 2010

Mido Wazzan. C#, ASP.NET, MS SQL, CSS, Javascript, HTML, XHTML, Jquery, Photoshop, Facebook API, and more!

roy clarke said

at 5:39 pm on Jun 15, 2010

tech (C#, Sql-Server, ASP.net, Oracle, C++, Java, Javascript, C, windows, linux, coffee-gobbling, ...) and facebook

Chris Khan said

at 3:30 pm on Jun 16, 2010

PHP, MySQL, JS, Python/Django, Facebook app dev

Carolina Ribeiro Pietoso said

at 5:52 pm on Jun 16, 2010

This is my first hackathon so I want mainly to observe. (HTML, CSS, JS. Some PHP and MySQL. Photoshop.)

Dominic Mason said

at 9:49 am on Jun 18, 2010

Willing to join in and undertake UX/usecases, game design, basic scripting and debugging, content and code monkey tasks - very interested in some of the games proposals. Sign me up!

Mark Riley said

at 6:17 pm on Jun 18, 2010

would love to join UX/UI and Ruby on Rails - first hackathon

Mike Gamaroff said

at 6:24 pm on Jun 18, 2010

Mike Gamaroff (MD of GD, there to support my team with Flash, Design, anything really)

Gordon said

at 11:39 pm on Jun 18, 2010

I would very much like to add my skills of PHP Java SQL, HTML, FMBL, FQL CSS, C and coffee making

Heather said

at 10:07 pm on Jun 19, 2010

Pre-existing obligations mean that I will be unable to be there in person tomorrow - which why i've been so yappy beforehand - it's the only way I can take part. Learned a lot and thought a lot. Thanks. Enjoy, all, and good luck! (Perhaps mocha-java some other time.)

Mike Gamaroff said

at 11:57 pm on Jun 20, 2010

Well done winners! Do you think it would be at all possible to maybe receive the critique of ideas who didn't win so we can see where we fell down for next time. Obviously, the short answer is that the ideas weren't good enough which is fine, but if there were clear aspects that we didn't give sufficient attention, that would be of great help. Thanks again and well done to all! Thanks Mark and team for the constructive feedback!

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